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  • 托福改革政策解读
  • 评估与批改系统


来源:未知 发布日期:2017-05-08 23:26:17 阅读(
摘要: 今天我们来聊一下图书馆这个话题。 博尔赫斯曾经说过:我心里一直在暗暗设想,天堂应该是图书馆的模样。但是如今,科技的发展让我们有更多的形式阅读书籍,图书馆的功能和作用也不像

  今天我们来聊一下图书馆这个话题。 博尔赫斯曾经说过:我心里一直在暗暗设想,天堂应该是图书馆的模样。但是如今,科技的发展让我们有更多的形式阅读书籍,图书馆的功能和作用也不像以前那么突出。在2016年10月号的雅思大作文中,这个话题再次被考到。经典话题的重现,再次提醒广大烤鸭们要注意写作题库的重要性。下面附上题目:

  题目:maintaining public libraries is a waste of time since computer technology is new replacing their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Word Count: 330

  The advent of computer technology(电脑科技的出现) has shaped the landscape of many traditional industries, among which the public library is the one that has been unprecedentedly (空前地)challenged. Although the concern and worry for fading dominance (优势)of library is not all unwarranted, I still believe the maintenance of public libraries is necessary.

  Libraries, though not so easily accessible(可接近的) as the digital books backed by the computer technology, can create an atmosphere which can sooth readers and then make them more concentrate on reading and study. The piles of books, ranging from literature ones such as novels, poems and proses to the non-literature counterparts such as encyclopedias(百科全书), history books and so on will give readers a sense of solemn(庄严感) and they are likely to treat reading as a holy baptism(洗礼) stimulating their cognitive development(认知发展). In comparison, when readers get some information by e-books, they may regard it as a spiritual fast food, thereby absorbing little but idling away(消磨时光) time.

  Another point for continue to run public libraries is that the functions of libraries is not restricted to do some readings; instead, it is now a multi-functional complex(多功能综合体) in which the visitors can attend an academic lecture, exchange opinions on some issues with participants in some seminars or receive some professional training and education. This experience can hardly be obtained through some e-books or online courses, which may mainly focus on the presentation of knowledge itself rather than the communication of those who are engaged in it.

  Of course, cost of the maintenance of public libraries is one point thatundermines(逐渐损坏) the predominance of them. In the virtual digital world, cost can be reduced because of less spending on personnel and premises, making the price of some e-books more seductive(具有吸引力的). Easy access to abundant resources is also magnetic to(对…具有吸引力的) some readers, especially who need to keep pace with the latest information.

  In conclusion, public libraries still our attention and effort to maintain its operation, in spite of the rising importance of digital devices.


雅思写作 大家 一起 图书馆 转转
课程名称 开/结课时间 课时 咨询
托福100分基础6人班 滚动开班 320课时 在线咨询
托福100分强化6人班 滚动开班 128课时 在线咨询
雅思6.5分核心钻石班 滚动开班 148课时 在线咨询
托福100分提高6人班 滚动开班 224课时 在线咨询
雅思6.5分精品钻石班 滚动开班 452课时 在线咨询
雅思6.5分精讲钻石班 滚动开班 292课时 在线咨询

师者,传道授业解惑 思润 20 年,初心不改






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