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来源:未知 发布日期:2017-05-08 23:26:52 阅读(
摘要: 雅思写作范文:The news media have become more influential in peoples lives, some people think its a negative development, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 新闻媒体对于人们的生活影响深刻,有人认为这种影响是消极的

  雅思写作范文:The news media have become more influential in people's lives, some people think it's a negative development, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 新闻媒体对于人们的生活影响深刻,有人认为这种影响是消极的,是否认同?

  【首段】背景介绍 + 立场说明

  Perhaps nobody can avoid being swayed by various mass media. The news media have been exerting a tremendous influence on our lives because they can not only bring about glaring changes to the lives of ordinary people,but even ruin a political leader. Some people worry that the impacts of mass media are quite negative. From my perspective, however, what the news media can benefit us is greater than what they might influence us adversely.


  The opposite stand is also understandable. It is true that some paparazzi of tabloid magazines like to publish details about those superstars’ private lives,which might bring untold agonies to heroes of the story. Likewise, for the purpose of catering to the taste of the general public, some editors of newspapers and magazines also enjoy deliberately exaggerating so as to create a sensation. Surely enough, such irresponsible reportages should be highly condemned. However, we have no reason to throw out the baby with bath water.


  On no account can we underestimate the positive influences brought about by the news media. First, the mass media can play the role of educator. As for those who lack the habit of reading news, they are rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and the experience of the world. Conversely, reading news frequently can help us have a broader view of life and thus train our dialectical mode of thinking.

  【四段】 新闻传媒给人们的生活带来的利好。

  Also, various mews media can be an indispensable source of information for the vast majority of people. To illustrate, one of the most crucial lessons of a great many entrepreneurs is to Watch CCTV news everyday to familiarize themselves with the latest governmental policies and market information. Eventually, those amusing news stories can add color to the dull routine of every day life. I myself enjoy appreciate stories concerning the common people or mediocre life so that I could greatly deepen my insight into diverse lifestyles and grow spiritually during the process of thinking.


  In closing, my stand is that various news media have and will have irreplaceable roles to play in our daily lives, the influence, to large extent, depends on how we treat and harness them. It is rather groundless to simply say that their impacts can always be baneful

雅思写作 范文 新媒体 媒体
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