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  • 托福改革政策解读
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来源:未知 发布日期:2018-03-28 15:48:55 阅读(
摘要: 每月为同学们精选十篇雅思口语 Part2 的范例小段子,帮助同学们更好地进行雅思口语范文素材积累、语言积累和话题归类。以下雅思口语范文分享:领导人,让我们一起来看下吧。

  每月为同学们精选十篇雅思口语 Part2 的范例小段子,帮助同学们更好地进行雅思口语范文素材积累、语言积累和话题归类。以下雅思口语范文分享:领导人,让我们一起来看下吧。


  Describe a leader who you admire (for example, in sports, business or politics). you should say: who the person is, what this person did (has done) that you admire, how you know this person or know about this person, and explain how this leader’s qualities impressed you.


  I guess many people would talk about Jack Ma, right? He is such a model for every businessman here in China, but also around the world, especially after his constant appearance in Davos Forum.

  I started to use the Internet at quite an early period of time. Back then I could often see a China Pages on my browser. But I never knew that was run by Mr. Ma. Then in about 2007 I got to know Alibaba's Taobao platform. Yeah by the time the platform has been operated over 4 years.

  Jack's vision over IT industry always attracts me. He claimed that the power of internet would radically change people's lifestyle, in like 1990s. Back then so many people especially experts asserts that the Internet was "nothing more than a slow and stupid tool for communication", but Ma and his team seemed to be all in for the big project and occupied the market prior to even American companies. When I learnt how Alipay beat the hell out of Ebay and Paypal in China, I was shocked as well as moved.

  Now Ali's product is everywhere, and people working in IT industry knows Jack Ma, but they seems to learn more about his start-up stories and seldom investigate how he actually lead his team to where they are now.

  I guess Ma's best quality is perseverance. Back in the 90s people never say anything good about Ma's idea. "Liar", "Cheater", "Loser", these are the titles people add up to him when he was collecting money for their Ali program. But he never seemed to be torn apart by criticism or gossip. He kept searching for anything useful for his firm to survive. And they succeeded, they turn "no"s into "yes". And now people are praising what Ali has done for Chinese IT industry. I always tell me to turn a no into a yes too in my career.


课程名称 开/结课时间 课时 咨询
新托福100分提高6人班 07月14日/08月20日 224课时 在线咨询
新托福100分强化6人班 06月23日/08月18日 128课时 在线咨询
雅思6.5分精品钻石班 06月12日/08月18日 320课时 在线咨询
雅思6.5分核心钻石班 06月12日/2021年07月07日 128课时 在线咨询
新托福100分基础6人班 07月28日2021年/09月3日 320课时 在线咨询
雅思6.5分精讲钻石班 06月12月2021/07月28日 224课时 在线咨询