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雅思口语范文: 公共场所

来源:未知 发布日期:2018-04-20 15:27:52 阅读(
摘要: 雅思口语考试准备中,有一个很好的办法,就是准备一些常用的话题范文,以备不时之需,今天小编就为大家分享雅思口语范文: 公共场所,希望能帮助大家雅思口语拿到一个好成绩。
   雅思口语考试准备中,有一个很好的办法,就是准备一些常用的话题范文,以备不时之需,今天小编就为大家分享雅思口语范文: 公共场所,希望能帮助大家雅思口语拿到一个好成绩。


  Describe a public place that you think need improvements

  you should say:

  Where this public place is

  What it is like

  Why you think it needs improvements

  And how to make it better


  Well, I would like to share with you a park where I usually hang out in my childhood. The park witnessed my pleasant and cozy time and I treasure it as diamonds. In the past, you could always see beautiful pictures like grass blowing gently in the summer breeze, dogs running to catch Frisbees, kids laughing and playing, gentle breezes blowing thru your hair as you sit under a shade tree. In a word, it was just an amazing place for people to kill time.

  However, now the park is run-down due to the limitation of financial aid. Most public facilities are old fashioned and lack of essential maintenance, besides, the trees and flowers are in urgent need to be cared and,you know, most of them are cut in the chilly-freezing winter, whereas nobody is in charge of it. Worse case is that people who visit it always neglect the preservation of its surrounding environment, leading to the fact that the river flowing through the park is heavily polluted, with bottles or plastic bags floating on the surface.

  There are several measures the government and citizens should take to make the park a better place, I suppose. Firstly, the government could make effort to upgrade the public facilities and deal with the heavily polluted water. What’s more, citizens are also responsible for the conservation of the environment. It is imperative for individuals to know about the importance of the environment to our personal life —— that only by living in a cosy environment, could individuals truly improve the quality of life. Lastly, I have to mention that monitors and guards are also needed to ensure everything in order in the park. I do hope that the beautiful park in my memory could return one day, with the effort of government and the improvement of people’s environmental awareness.


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