



  • 口语题库
  • 托福改革政策解读
  • 评估与批改系统


来源:西安思润培训学校 发布日期:2021-11-08 09:43:52 阅读(
摘要: 在雅思写作考试分为大作文和小作文,而雅思小作文的题型往往都是些饼图、柱状图、地图、流程图等图表题,可以说雅思写作对于大多数国内考生来说都是比较薄弱的一项,但也不缺乏一些高
  The diagram below show the process of collecting rain water for use as drinkingwater in an Australian town.
  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and makecomparisons where relevant.
  The flow chart illustrates the procedures for collecting and handling rainwater,which are mainly to generate drinking water for the public in an Australian town.
  As can be seen from the diagram,the shape of the roof guarantees the rainwater can drip from the eaves until reaching the drain system.In the following stage,the rainwater flows through sewage lines beneath and is subsequently delivered to the filter,where impurities can be removed.After preliminary treatment,the rainwater is conveyed through pipelines and then stored in the container.The next step is employing chemicals to dispose of the delivered rainwater in the process of water treatment.In the final procedure,it is the converted drinking water that runs into pipelines and therefore caters for daily household demand.
  Overall,processing rainwater is rather simple through steps mentioned above,which relies on several treatments to transform the collected rainwater into drinking water.
  The chart below shows proportions of males and females getting top grades in the S school,compared with the national average.
  The bars are the illustrations of the performance of male and female students in obtaining top grades in S School,and the performance is compared with the national average.
  In this school,Science,language subjects and Humanity are three areas where there are marked differences between males and females,and the difference is most distinct in language subjects,where 50 percent of females attain top grades,and the percentage is more than three times of that of males.Nationwide,there is a different pattern.The only realm where the disparity is considerable is Humanity,as females outperform males by a huge margin of 25 percent.
  The school,its male students,to be exact,performs better than the national average in Math(30 percent to 18 percent nationwide)and less good than national average in language subjects(15 percent to 30 percent) and these are the obvious differences.As for females,Science is where the gap is largest.As 30 percent of females achieve top grades on the national scale and only 16 percent of the school’s female students achieve the same level,School falls behind.
  Overall,in terms of both scale and gender,the variation is significant in some subjects and moderate in others.
雅思写作 雅思图标作文
课程名称 开/结课时间 课时 咨询
雅思6.5分精品钻石班 11月16日/11月26日 452课时 在线咨询
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雅思6.5分精讲钻石班 11月16月2021/11月26日 292课时 在线咨询